

You won’t find a better low-maintenance annual for your beds, borders, or containers than euphorbia. This tough plant offers outstanding heat and drought resistance. Instead of showy flower petals, euphorbia has modified leaves, called bracts. It’s a vigorous grower so it can quickly fill a garden space.



Aquilegia have truly unique-looking flowers. With their dangling bell-like shape and spurs at the back, there is nothing else quite them. Because Aquilgia bloom in almost every color, these easy-to-grow perennials are popular garden plants. They also seed themselves around the garden, saving you the hassle of resowing seeds each year!



Used often as a groundcover or an edging plant, liriope is popular for good reason. It stays green year-round in many climates, produces pretty blue or white flowers, and is about as tough a plant as you’ll hope to meet. Its dense tufts of almost-evergreen, broadly grassy leaves are often striped. Stiff stems bear tight

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Also called fan flower, the abundant blooms of Scaevola are borne along fleshy deep green stems. This Australian native is heat- and drought-tolerant so it’s a good plant to endure in the heat of the summer. The trailing and cascading habit makes them a natural choice for mixed containers and hanging baskets.

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Clematis is one of the showiest vines you can grow. With many types of shapes and colors, these plants dress up any kind of structure they climb. Bloom time ranges from late spring to fall, depending on the type and variety. With proper planning, it’s possible to have clematis blooms throughout the growing season. You

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Campanula are such easy-to-grow plants and are perfect for a low-maintenance cottage garden. The blossoms are generally composed of five petals fused at the base, creating the trademark bell shape. Depending on the variety, sometimes these bells face upward on little mats of foliage, or they may dangle in the breeze, suspended in pendulous clusters.



Impatiens provide loads of color with little effort in shady places in the garden. Most commonly, impatiens come in softer pastel shades, but some species come in warm colors like yellow, coral, and orange as well. Some varieties also offer double flowers that look almost like mini roses. With their quick growth habit, impatiens are



Irises are low-maintenance and easy to grow. Their flowers come almost every color and bloom times vary depending on the species. Some irises bloom in spring or summer, while others bloom in spring and again in fall.

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If you are looking for a tough, shrub or small tree that attracts butterflies, bees and hummingbirds then a Vitex will suit your landscape. This versatile plant can be trained as a large shrub or small multi-trunked tree. Vitex grows best when planted in full sun and in a location that drains well. It will

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Angelonia is know as the summer snapdragon. It is a spectacular addition for continuous color in any garden. Angelonia stands up against summer’s heat and humidity. It is a hearty and colorful addition to any sunny spot.


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